Sunday 9 October 2016


This blog is to be used as an activity log for the creation of my artefact. The artefact that I am making is a short film exploring the use of sound, editing, storytelling and mainly to showcase the use of cinematography.

Project Proposed Title:

How can different cinematography techniques create meaning to the story and the characters? 

I plan to create a short film wholly focusing on the use of cinematography and mis en scene (the subject, arrangement and setting of the screen) to tell a visual (as well as aural) story for the audience to be immersed and entertained in. This is to show how using cinematography can contribute largely with editing, sound and mis en scene to tell an understandable story to the audience. I also hope to use cinematography as well as other elements to create open interpretations for the audience to think of in the story. 

I plan for the film to be 5-10 minutes long and will be a fictional mystery drama. The film will have at least 3 characters but following 1 protagonist. 

I will present the activity log into sections in this blog through phases.

Pre-Production Phase
This involves research, generating ideas, scriptwriting, storyboarding, location searching, actor searching, prop making and costume designing, risk assessing, health and safety, test filming, copyright permissions and equipment hiring. 

Production Phase
This phase is the practical aspect where the film is shot and recorded.

Post-Production Phase
The post-production phase is where all the clips are edited through an editing software. Foley may also be involved in this phase. It is where the sound is re-recorded in a studio to dub over the clips (May also include dialogue). This phase also handles any legal and ethical issues need to be written off, which would include copyrighted soundtracks etc.

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