Wednesday 16 November 2016


This is the first draft of the Daydream script.

Daydream Script Feedback

Peer 1:

Peer 2: 

With the feedback I have received, I am confident to start drafting the storyboard. The script will however undergo several changes and updates if things change; for example, dialogue changes.


*NOTE* Update Review, 05/01/17 - I looked over the Daydream script and decided to refine and redraft it into a second script. I decided to remove the part where the protagonist finds out who the killer was. I did this to create more of a mystery in the film and to keep with the conventions of the crime genre to make sure it does not become alienated by switching to a different genre. I have also changed most of the dialogue and refined the script to make it focus more onto how the crime took place. Another big change I've made was that I changed the name 'Red Rose Murders' into the 'Graffiti Killer' to steer away from a conventional or cliche antagonist. As mentioned and updated in the storyboard page, the title has been changed from 'Daydream' to an ongoing working title 'Red Herring' to make it more appropriate to the crime genre.

I do not think that re-drafting the storyboard will be necessary as most of the script has already been covered through the storyboard. Instead I will be making a shot list to keep me scheduled and organized when I'm about to film.

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