Saturday 10 December 2016



Iron Bar/Murder weapon

This is an actual rusted iron bar. This poses health and safety risks as it will be used for a particular scene where the killer repeatedly hits the victim's head. I have two options to make sure the actors won't get hurt. The first option is to make a replica out of foam and paint it with the similar colour. The second option is to rehearse with the actors and practice with them where the actor who plays the killer must hit the other actor just at the side of his head in order to avoid getting hit. This option is more riskier and requires a lot more effort.

Student's apparel and equipment

Every actor that plays as an extra should have a notebook open or closed along with pens. This prop preparation is specified for Isaac's character. I chose this to show his organisational skills and how tidy his desk is.
As for bags, it should look something similar to this to clearly suggest that they are students and are in college.

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