Tuesday 11 October 2016



A teenager goes through depression and problematic situations in his life. He experiences hallucinations and psychological trauma that is damaging his mental health. Most of these traumas he experiences through dreams. The film will be highly visual and will have a surreal feel to it along with a range of locations to show how his dreams are changing. He eventually recovers from these traumas and finds resolution.


A post apocalyptic setting where the world is full of pollution and smoke making it nearly impossible for humans to live in. With the world's population having critically reduced, few remain and the past has been forgotten. The film follows on a lonely scavenger who is living off his life in solitary. The story's resolution is unknown and ends with a cliffhanger.


In a fictional, dystopian world, a boy is living in solitary. He wants to escape the place of loneliness and seeks a way out. He meets a peculiar stranger and makes a deal with each other. The boy is tasked to find three things of significance to the stranger, in exchange for the boy's escape. The boy ventures out to find the strange items and successfully comes back with all 3 items. The story ends in a cliffhanger leaving the audience question whether he escapes his life of solitary or not.

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