Monday 28 November 2016




For Isaac's costume design, I've thought of representing him as a highly intelligent young individual. But I also want to make him seem slightly unstable due to his high intelligence. He is a quiet individual who listens attentively to every small detail. His time management is precise and usually keeps to himself. His appearance is smart, clean and casual and also possessing high organisational skills. Isaac is a college student studying psychology and criminology.


The teacher plays as a side character that gives out all the clues and the information that Isaac needs. Although the teacher is barely seen, I still think that designing his costume would still be a necessary part. The teacher is portrayed to be both a smart and authoritative character. His watch is expensive and was given to him as a present. He is portrayed to be welcoming and friendly and makes sure that he interacts and engages with his students.


The killer doesn't reveal much and is only seen as a mysterious silhouette or shadow. He wears a black rugged hood and has an outer coat to keep him warm. He used a rusty iron bar to kill Robert Pierson. Isaac makes a link from this and theorises that the murder weapon relates to his field of work in mechanics.


Pierson is a university student that lives in a private accommodation housing. He wears smart, expensive clothing to reflect his affluent lifestyle and personality. He is portrayed to have a successful social life and makes people jealous of him. Inside however, he is slightly unstable and has depression. He makes a lot of jokes but never smiles.



This is a moodboard of different classrooms. This will help me think about lighting and framing for the classroom scenes in my short film. I also need to make sure that the different cinematography techniques I use should connote some form of meaning for the audience to understand in order for me to answer the Project's Question confidently.

My intentions for the set design of the classroom is that it should look like a modern college classroom. This means there should have good open lights from windows, posters related to the subject (criminology) and students should be wearing smart casual clothes and not school uniforms. There should also be a PowerPoint presentation showing towards a white screen. The students should have bags, notebooks and pens.


This is a moodboard containing scenes from 2 TV shows: Sherlock and Stranger Things. Since my film idea is heavily inspired and related from these shows, (Crime, thriller) I wanted to illustrate a visual portrayal of Isaac's Mind to show how he solves the crime scene and the clues presented towards him and show this to the audience visually rather than aurally. The portrayal of a blank, negative space is to symbolise the character's zone and his place of thinking. In this zone, Isaac can conjure up anything in his mind that can help him find other clues or solve the murder in the story.


For Pierson's Room, I wanted to convey Pierson as a character who is successful in life especially towards people and at his job. This is so that he can become a victim of jealousy to other people. I wanted to convey his room to be the opposite of tidy. This is to symbolise that Pierson's life isn't perfect and that he is facing difficulties internally, and that he keeps it to himself. By simply hinting this with the untidiness of Pierson's room, it provides a visual backstory for the audience to interpret on and makes the story more colourful with open questions and interpretations. I also think that the room should be very small and nearly claustrophobic to symbolise the vulnerability of Pierson's state.


Here is a list of the props and materials that were contained in the script:
  • Marker pen (Killer's Symbol)
  • Iron bar (Murder Weapon)
  • Photograph frames
  • Photographs
  • Fake blood

I decided to go with this symbol for the killer. This is the symbol the killer leaves behind to send a message to the people. The marking inside the circle represents the letter 'K' which stands for kill, killer or killed. I decided to add a circle around it to symbolise a target to make it look like a crosshair. This is to add the mystery behind the killings.

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