Monday 20 March 2017


I decided to compose my own tracks instead of using other music work because of issues including copyright and fair use. Also, composing my own music tracks would work better for my film as I can control the type of tone I want the film to have and to have good control over the timings of the scenes and the clips.

When composing the music, I used a free app called Music Maker Jam. It lets you layer pre-recorded tracks with each other. The tracks can be changed in tempo, harmony/key and volume, including effects. In the app, I placed one track at a time and recorded them individually. This grants me more flexibility when editing the film once I layer in the tracks one by one based on the scene. This will help me establish further immersion, tone and mood. This will also give me the chance to build tension and suspense in particular scenes.

In this photo, it shows how I applied a cinematic score and tension sound effect into the timeline. I adjusted the speed to match it with the duration of the scene. This makes the scene complete as it is colour graded, layered with diegetic sounds and cinematic scores. Having theses elements put together in a scene is vital for entertaining and immersing the audience. The sound effects I used are also conventional to most sound designs in thriller genres which I find important as it is the type of genre I am going for in the film.

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