Monday 20 March 2017


This is the sound kit I used to record Foley sounds. I chose this piece of equipment as it records at a very good quality which is what I need for sound as it is the main element in filmmaking that immerses the audience into the scene.

These are the materials I used to create the Foley sounds for the murder scene. I used carrot and a cabbage to create a crunch sound. This gives the illusion of bones cracking. I used the plastic bag to add to that crunch sound. The hard material of the table also provides enough backup sound to add to the effect of a weapon hitting someone.

This is a screenshot of my timeline show the recorded Foley sounds have been added and linked to the visuals of the project. I synced it to match the movement and the impact of the actor making it as realistic as possible. If I am unhappy with the sound, I experimented by adjusting the pitch, the speed and the volume of the sound clip to the right level.

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